Max Payne coming to iOS, Android devices
Bringing heavy-hitting games (both classic and new) to mobile devices such as iOS and Android phones is becoming common practice today. The latest doing this is Rockstar Games, which intends to bring the “full classic Max Payne PC experience” to iOS devices next week, on April 12th. Max Payne Mobile, which will boast “HD graphics, high-resolution textures, Social Club connectivity and user-customizable controls,” will be available on numerous (but yet to be detailed) Android devices two weeks later, on the 26th, as well.

As for the iOS devices that’ll support the game, these include: iPhone 3GS, 4 and 4S and the original iPad, iPad 2 and the new iPad. So, pretty much, all of them.
As for the iOS devices that’ll support the game, these include: iPhone 3GS, 4 and 4S and the original iPad, iPad 2 and the new iPad. So, pretty much, all of them.